FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer phone support?
Support Ticket and Communication Policy At CloudTop Office, our goal is to provide efficient and effective support to all our clients. To ensure thorough tracking and resolution of issues, we primarily utilize our ticket system to handle support ...
Uploading a file from your local machine to Citrix
These are the steps to copy files from your local PC/Desktop into your Citrix Session (the "cloud"). For this example, the "cloud" destination is called "Shared Q Drive (Q:)". You will have a Q: drive, but it will have the name of your company + ...
Using Tandem's Support Portal
We use a support portal to track support issues and help you more efficiently. It allows you to receive a tracking number for each separate issue. It also allows us to do research before taking up your time. Here's three ways to get help: ...
How to submit a support request?
If you need support or are facing an issue, you can reach out to us using one of the following methods: 1. Start a Chat: - Visit our support portal at https://helpdesk.cloudtopsupport.com and start a chat with a support representative. 2. Submit a ...
Adding a New User
If you would like to add a new user to your account, simply send us a ticket with your request including the user's name and their email address. We will get them set up on our end, and email back their login credentials. Please let us know if you ...
Downloading a file from Citrix to your local machine
To copy files from your Citrix Session (the "cloud") to your local PC/Desktop, follow these steps: 1. From the Citrix Workspace open your "File Explorer" published app. 2. Navigate to the file you want to ...
Can I install my own software on the Cloudtop Servers?
If you need additional software applications installed on your virtual desktop beyond those in your original agreement, gather the following info: the name of the software, the URL for the software download, the system requirements page for the ...
How do I cancel hosting?
Need to Cancel your Service Sometimes needs change and you need to cancel your service with Cloudtop Office. If so, please send us a support ticket with the following details. Notification of your plans What would you like us to do with your backups ...